$245 000 USD

JULY 2021




"The most trusted & secure crypto wallet. Buy, store, collect NFTs, exchange & earn crypto. Join 25 million+ people using Trust Wallet."


"I got hacked (phishing ?) 250k few days ago FROM @AtomicWallet AND @TrustWalletApp and these are the transaction. [Can anyone] help me if I have chances to recover it? I'M DEVASTED." "Any tip what should I do?"


"It is not verified, not offical from @TrustWalletApp and they ask money. So probably is your the scammer. People report this NEHAR profile." "[Y]a [I] just figgered out that the 3 that are trying to Force me to click the link and give the seeds... are all trying to trick me.. 0 following 168 followers.. .. X 2 of them... man .... they are convincing."


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Twitter user @dafimaniac0 reports that they lost $90,689.000248 USDT and $154,807.136786 USDC in a phishing attack with transactions appearing on July 19th, 2021. While the original tweets are long gone, the transactions remain permanently on the blockchain. It doesn't appear that any of their several tweets at the time received any response.


It appears that the wallet worked on the basis of requesting a seed phrase. When installing a new wallet, it is important to ensure that the wallet comes from an official source. As even official sources could be tampered with, it is best practice to use a wallet with a smaller amount of money initially, and to keep the majority of funds fully offline whenever possible. Using hardware wallets or multi-signature setups can further reduce the risk. With a hardware wallet, the seed phrase should only be entered in separate hardware, which is significantly more expensive and difficult to tamper with or forge. With a multi-signature setup, you can use a combination of different wallets that all must sign a transaction, meaning that all keys would need to be breached simultaneously to perform an attack.


Once an attack has happened, it is important that the wallet addresses get flagged as soon as possible, so funds can be returned if the thief decides to cash them out through a compliant exchange. Filing a police report is important as most exchanges will only freeze and return funds at the request of law enforcement.


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Sources And Further Reading

 For questions or enquiries, email info@quadrigainitiative.com.

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