$59 000 USD

JULY 2024




"A crypto wealth protocol that only goes up and never goes down!"


"The MRP casting phase has ended, and a fixed quantity MRP contract has been deployed!


Please ensure all users transfer their MRP assets to the new contract address for mapping before 2024-07-04 24:00:00. Additionally, addresses where casting has not yet ended should also transfer to the new contract address once; if there are no MRP assets yet, you can transfer 0 MRP for mapping. Please inform other users and the community. Thank you!"


New Contract Address: 0xF114A2d1521eF04F81930b7E03C2e438aD89C375


Explore This Case Further On Our Wiki

MintRisesPrices is a cryptocurrency wealth protocol, with a token which is designed to go up in price and not down, which appears to have targeted the Chinese cryptocurrency investment market with space-themed promotions. There is controversy as to whether or not this constitutes a honeypot, as this is presumably accomplished by preventing selling of the tokens. This protocol was attacked through a re-entrancy attack and the attacker managed to get away with $59,000. The protocol appears to have relaunched in a new smart contract.


Sources And Further Reading

 For questions or enquiries, email info@quadrigainitiative.com.

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