$12 000 USD





JHY Token is a new token launched on November 15th, 2024 on the Binance Smart Chain. There do not appear to be any website or social media associated with this token.


"The root cause is in the try TokenDividendTracker contract 0x40cd735d49e43212b5cb0b19773ec2a648aaa96c which will set the address balance to the LP token balance. This allows user to swap more than they have."


"A suspicious attack involving JHY (JHY) occurred on the BSC chain, resulting in a loss of approximately $11,200."


"#Web3Security #TikkalaSecurity An unknown project token JHY \0x30bea8ce5cd1ba592eb13fccd8973945dc8555c5 been hacked and lost about 10k. Tx: 0xb6a9055e3ce7f006391760fbbcc4e4bc8df8228dc47a8bb4ff657370ccc49256"


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JHY Token, launched on November 15th, 2024 on the Binance Smart Chain, appears to lack an associated website or social media presence. A security vulnerability was found in the token’s contract, specifically in the TokenDividendTracker, which allowed users to swap more tokens than they actually held by manipulating their address balance. This led to a suspicious attack on the JHY token, resulting in a loss of approximately $11,200. The attack was reported by Web3Security and TikkalaSecurity, with the transaction identified as involving the compromised contract.

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