$96 000 USD





"Fortune Friends Club is an upcoming NFT project that surrounds food, friends, and fortune. The project features 8,888 Baos that will drop on Jan 30, 1 AM UTC. The character is named after a common Chinese dish: baozi (包子). They are essentially steamed buns that come with a variety of fillings. The community has been growing rapidly in the past weeks as many fans try to get on the whitelist."


"Celebrating Asian Culture by empowering Asian Creators. Join the movement!"


"Fortune Friends Club’s Discord was hacked yesterday, leading followers to believe that minting was already live. Many eager fans were scammed into ‘minting’ Baos in the fake website and lost their ETH immediately. The team quickly took measures to secure the channel again and provided a full debrief of the mishap. They also promised to compensate all the victims by returning the ETH lost or a Bao NFT when it drops."


"The whole incident began when the team was tricked by someone posing to be from Wonderpals, a project they were excited to work with. Once they keyed in the code, the hackers were able to bypass their 2FA. They used some time to study the channel and the team’s active hours. During midnight, they created a webhook spidey bot, allowing them to remove channels, override permissions, and update team roles.


While executing the heist, they were actively on the lookout for Discord members that spoke up about a possible hack happening. In less than an hour, they scheduled an event that said “Minting is now Live”. Following this, some members entered into the fake website and started to ‘mint’, sending ETH directly to the scammer’s address. The team took some time to secure their channel again, and is working hard to prevent future occurrences."


"You guys are the best. Although today was tough, I couldnt be in a better community run by people who really care. Again, thank you for being so responsive to the situation I have full faith this will be resolved."


Explore This Case Further On Our Wiki

Fortune Friends Club's Discord was hacked recently, leading followers to mistakenly believe that minting had already begun. The hacking incident began when the team was deceived by someone posing as a representative from Wonderpals, a project they were excited to collaborate with. The hackers bypassed the team's 2FA and gained access to the channel. Many eager fans fell victim to a scam on a fake website, losing their ETH. The team swiftly took action to secure the channel and provided a detailed explanation of the incident. They also pledged to compensate all victims by either returning the lost ETH or providing a Bao NFT when it launches.

Sources And Further Reading

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