$26 000 USD
MAY 2022

"The Rotak Project NFT" "Hand crafted collection inspired by community, art and imagination... First 160 able to FREE MINT!"
"this is the start of something life-changing tag you’re squad… we’ll be in touch"
"our whitelist phase has sold out… now its the publics turn, who will join us? free mint here" "rt and like to unlock [redacted]… we are waiting"
"I own 2 Ledgers and have 90% of my assets on them. I have a few hot wallets I use and one of them happened to hold my only @doodles and PFP (I know, I know, I effed up)."
"Rojak had nice art and a compelling story. Mint in the first 1500 and its free, you know the story. It felt weird, and if I wasn't on my run, I probably would still own my @doodles #5396. I clicked the connect button and then pressed mint. I had done this a million times"
"It felt so weird that I immediately connected another burner wallet and something strange happened. In harsh RED letters, I learned that I was not eligible. That instant I knew i was [in trouble]. I checked etherscan and my @doodles was gone."
"The first thing I did was run down stairs and transfer out any $ETH. With no $ETH you cant do much (unless the asshole transfers some in). I spent 30 mins looking at my etherscan and asking for help from friends @proof_xyz and @CyberTurtlesNFT I was fragile, out 30k"
"I wanted to you you know that they contract I "Set Approval for ALL" in my thread also authorized items that I did not own (I did in the past). You have to Revoke them - and click - "include zero balances"."
"I decided to do something about it. Support our community in creating a theft protocol."
"I went to bed with pain and woke up with a solution that I believe could prevent a lot of fraud and theft in the NFT space."
"In near real time, VALIDDAO identifies scams and adds affected tokens to the database. The goal would be to prevent the sale/mint/allow all function at the time of the operations. VALIDDAO is a NFT supported by community members and other organizations that benefit from the removal of bad actors."
Twitter user BTCRegister reported that their Doodle NFT was accidentally left in a hot wallet. They were tricked into visiting a website purporting to be for the Rojak Project, which offered a free mint. Instead of minting an NFT, the website drained their wallet of the Doodle NFT. They got assistance from friends to revoke all further access to their wallet and ultimately claim to have reported the theft to the FBI.
@BTCRegister Twitter (Feb 5)
@BTCRegister Twitter (Dec 5)
bitreg.eth | Address 0xfA949Ce340ef6Ea03c94002543E01f33E0920f62 | Etherscan
(Dec 5)
Ethereum Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | Etherscan
(Dec 5)
Ethereum Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | Etherscan
(Dec 5)
NFT Transfers | Etherscan
(Dec 6)
https://opensea.io/assets/ethereum/0x8a90cab2b38dba80c64b7734e58ee1db38b8992e/5396 (Dec 6)
https://medium.com/@BitReg/validnft-a-theft-prevention-protocol-by-bitreg-4bd6271c4018 (Dec 6)
Address 0xeff77e37c026e09906788287515373c416e2ac29 | Etherscan
(Dec 6)
Ethereum Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | Etherscan
(Dec 6)
Doodles (DOODLE) Token Tracker | Etherscan
(Dec 6)
@therojaksquad Twitter (Dec 6)
Pentas - zamzami (Dec 6)
zamzami | Twitter, Instagram, Facebook | Linktree (Dec 6)
@therojaksquad Twitter (Dec 6)
https://zilswap.io/arky/collections/zil13g6prfusaj2njft428xvyh7fwuzqsfc5s8llry (Dec 6)
@therojaksquad Twitter (Dec 6)
@therojaksquad Twitter (Dec 6)
@RojakProject Twitter (Dec 6)
@RojakProject Twitter (Dec 6)
@RojakProject Twitter (Dec 6)
Rojak Project | NFT collection inspired by community, art and imagination… (Dec 6)
Wayback Machine (Dec 6)
@BTCRegister Twitter (Dec 6)
@drew_baek Twitter (Dec 6)